Doing stand up comedy ... preferably in a reclining position!
About DrBeachRx
Over-fed, washed-up, has-been, defrocked medical professional.
If laughter is the best medicine, come see the Doctor and get over-medicated!
Dr Beach has been known as an official advisor to the Primed Mister of Ireland concerning the American politics.
AM 560 Chicago "The Answer":
Recycle - Jokes
As part of the green initiative Dr Beach is always looking for clever quips to recycle instead of having them waste away in the comedic landfills, which are already over flowing with failed attemps at humor. So please send your best one-liners to Dr Beach to be composted and mulched into rich material for future growth in comedy productions. (See the Contact Section)
Dr Beach gives liberally to his favorite charity, which he founded, the Halfway House on Halfday Road Home for Wayward Models. There is a lot of activity going on in the home which will be revealed during Dr Beach's shows.